[interview]Modigence Vision, a startup that provides customized camera modules and solutions
[interview] Modigence Vision Close-up corporate site
Modigence Vision_24.06.26 Close-up corporate site interview Modigence Vision_24.06.26 Close-up corporate site interview…
ModigenceVision’s Goals and Vision
“Seeing the World Through Advanced Technology” ModigenceVision’s Goals and Vision Goals: Our goal is to provide customized camera modules and solutions that are…
고객 맞춤형 카메라 모듈 및 솔루션을 제공하는 스타트업 ‘모디전스비전’
이진호2024-03-12 21:50:11 김대희 모디전스비전 대표-고객의 니즈를 충족할 수 있는 2D 또는 3D camera 모듈을 개발·제조-2024년도 하반기에 ‘MARU’(가칭)라는 브랜드 네임으로 3D Camera를…
‘ModigenceVision’, a startup that provides customized camera modules and solutions
Kim Daehee, CEO of ModigenceVision- Develop and manufacture 2D or 3D camera modules to meet customer needs- 3D Camera will…
“Your Partner in Vision”
Fruitcake marzipan topping tootsie roll cheesecake jelly-o topping. Fruitcake brownie muffin soufflé chocolate cake jelly-o chocolate cake cheesecake. Bear claw…